The AR Brand Playbook for Marketers

By Aarti Bhaskaran and Prayushi Amin, Published on WARC  Augmented Reality (AR) is much bigger than a buzzword. When it comes to brand building, it’s a must-have marketing tool every marketer should have in their arsenal. As more marketers look to adopt AR, they need to know how to use it, when to use it …

Why the Convergence of Content and Commerce Is Critical for Brands

By Andrew Cole, Published by Adweek Since its humble beginnings, online retail has evolved in myriad ways to streamline experiences for consumers—and its momentum is undeniable, with a 76% increase in total U.S. online retail sales over the last four years according to eMarketer. Content has been key in this progression as it feeds into …

Madison Avenue May Make New Push To Create Streaming Shows, Series

By Brian Steinberg, Published by Variety Running traditional ads on streaming services like Disney+, Netflix and Amazon can be difficult. Some advertisers may choose a different route by creating some of the programming those broadband services use to get people to subscribe in the first place. A new study from Interpublic Group’s Magna media-research unit …